Learn about how to make your garden more attractive to birds with Lismore Land Protection Group, with guest speakers Holly Parsons and Michael Emerson.
Judy Christie, naturalist and birder will be sharing tips on birdwatching, local bird species and habitats and how to take part in the AussieBirdCount.org.au, one of Australia’s most successful citizen science projects. We will also repeat our regular birdcount along Lane Cove River and end the walk with a refreshing morning tea. This walk is suitable for adults. If children would like to come please contact the organiser. Location: Lane Cove North (full address details on booking)
Come spotting for wrens, honeyeaters and other birds and gain tips on identifying different birds from our experienced bird watcher. Discover more about local birds on this guided walk and together we will complete a bird survey – good practice for the Aussie Backyard Bird Count! All welcome, light refreshments provided. Bookings essential.
Join us for a talk by Dr Holly Parsons from Birdlife Australia who will be talking about urban bird species and how you can help to ensure their long term survival in our local area. Dr Parsons is the NSW-based Program Manager for Birds in Backyards and has been involved since the program began back in 1999. Light refreshments will be supplied and you will have the chance to meet the presenter and fellow attendees. The event will be in Waverton, will full address details provided after booking. Book here: https://www.willoughby.nsw.gov.au/EventDetails.aspx?PageID=1892&eventid=6295
Join Sophie Golding, the City's Urban Ecologist, on an early adventure to find some habitat havens in Forest Lodge. Participants will visit a site where volunteers have been working to create a demonstration habitat haven. These sites are based on well considered design principles with the objective of attracting native birds and others to the site. We will also walk through this site to explore and listen out for birds using the area. The morning is suitable for all ages and is perfect for anyone who wants to know more about how to create habitat in our urban landscape. National […]
With Birdlife Australia we are inviting residents to get involved in bird watching for our Nature Next Door citizen science program and get involved in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count. At this workshop you will learn how to identify the birds likely to be found in Glen Eira and how to take part in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count. The workshop will involve a presentation by Leap into Nature’s Christina Renowden, followed by a ‘bird walk and talk’ around the beautiful gardens at Rippon Lea Estate. Residents are encouraged to take part in this workshop to become informed and inspired […]
The Albany Bird Group will take you on a guided walk around Lake Seppings to discover the birdlife of the area.
Join Cilia Kinross on an early evening adventure in the CBD to find the infamous Peregrine Falcons of the city. We will be using bincolulars to look for these incredible birds of prey and learn about the work that is being carried out at Charles Sturt University to keep track of Peregrine Falcon nests – called Falcam. The event is suitable for all ages and is perfect for anyone who wants to know more about Peregine Falcons that call Sydney home. National Bird Week acknowledges our important and unique Australian birdlife and aims to inspire Australians to take action and […]