You’re a Powerful Owl!

Do you even lift bro? There’s a reason they call you a powerful owl!
Much like these majestic birds, you’re strong, enigmatic and independent, with a well-built upper body and a penetrating stare.
You enjoy staying in shape through weightlifting (carrying extra-heavy prey counts as weightlifting, right?) and your high-protein keto diet keeps you looking sleek.
Your size can make intimidating to outsiders – and rightly so! You are a magnificent predator with an intellect as razor-sharp as your talons. However, there is a softer side to you that only your nearest and dearest get to see: with your partner and family, you are fiercely loyal and will do anything protect them.
Your admirable physique might make people think you’re super outdoorsy, but really, when you’re not working out you prefer to stay home and take a nap – which, coincidentally, is a great way to avoid dealing with other people. You’re not especially social and prefer to be active at night when the madding crowds are sleeping.
While you can get by in suburban areas, you feel most at home in the forest, and you’re always on the lookout for a nicer neck of the woods to make your own. Good thing you’re so strong – it makes moving house a breeze!
The Aussie Bird Count – October 16 – 22
Taking part in the bird count is easy. Just take a seat and admire the birds!
Spend 20 minutes in your backyard, local park, farm, balcony, or anywhere you can see birds, and tell us what you see in those 20 minutes. You can submit your count using the web form or the app – both come with a handy bird finder to help you identify what you see.
Count as often or as little as you like. Some people count multiple times per day, others only once or twice for the week. Every count helps.
More about Powerful Owls
Powerful by name, and powerful by nature – the Powerful Owl Ninox strenua is Australia’s largest owl with an impressive wingspan of up to 140cm. It occurs from eastern and south-eastern Australia (east of the Great Dividing Range), from south-eastern Queensland to South Australia, mostly in large patches of forest. Despite being classified as threatened throughout its range, the Powerful Owl can and does, survive within cities. These owls are found in the suburbs of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, particularly where bushland remnants are close by. They may even be using your backyard!
How we’re helping: our Urban Birds Program
Unfortunately, urban areas pose many threats to birds. Habitat loss and destruction of hollow-bearing trees, as well as the dangers of roads, glass strike, pollution and predation by cats, means that many urban species are now under threat – including the Powerful Owl.
Part of our Urban Birds program, the Powerful Owl Project‘s focus has been to investigate the breeding ecology of the species in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, engage the broader community in urban conservation and enhance management of the Powerful Owl.
BirdLife Australia’s Urban Birds Program is a research, conservation and education driven program, engaging Australians with their local bird populations and the issues they face. They’re working to ensure birds and people can coexist, and that urban spaces can remain refuges for some of our most precious species.
For more information, visit https://birdlife.org.au/projects/urban-birds